Board Services

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Board Review

The role of the Board of Directors and to understand how it functions in order to identify possible areas of improvement, are extremely important aspects of best corporate governance practices.

In the interest of the shareholders, the Control Bodies encourage companies to inform the market on the functioning of the Board of Directors, with adequate disclosure in the corporate governance report.

As external consultants in evaluating the functioning of the Board of Directors and Committees, our role makes this process more structured, transparent and objective.

Search for Board Members

We provide support in identifying Board of Director members, both independent and not, in order to put together a Board that features complementary experience and skills suitable to support the company in outlining its development strategy.

Board of Director Assessment

We work with the Chairman and/or Shareholder in assessing the overall effectiveness of Board of Directors and of each member performance, in configurating the ideal composition of the Board based on the mix of required skills, the complexity of the business and the future strategy of the company.

We do this with constant reference to regulatory framework and giving appropriate consideration to diversity: gender, seniority and background of each member.

Defining Members fees

We work with the Chairman and/or Shareholders in defining an appropriate fee scheme for the Board of Director members, according to the size of the company, its shareholding, market trends and involvement that the individual members will have in the Committees or in the special projects assigned to them.

Re-composition of the Board of Directors and the Search for a CEO during Restructuring

The experience acquired by Management Search in privatization and stock listing processes confirms the need for a change in the composition of the Board of Directors, whether maintaining the current number of members or increasing the representation of new stakeholders.
In the case of financial restructuring, the re-composition of the of the Board of Directors often involves the CEO, who must have a mix of professional and personal characteristics other than those required for normal corporate management.

Succession Planning

Identifying the key figures suitable for managing the future of a company – CEO or other main roles in the company – represents another fundamental aspect for a strict corporate governance.  We work with our Clients to set up these succession plans, taking into consideration the environment in which the company competes and all the skills required to manage this type of context.


Identifying the key figures suitable for managing the future of a company – from the CEO to other main roles in the company – represents another fundamental aspect for proper corporate governance.  We work with our Clients to set up these succession plans, taking into consideration the competitive environment in which the company competes and all the skills required to manage this type of environment.